BG Sustainability
Rag Bag Recycling
February 2025
We are participating in the Rag Bag textile recycling scheme.
Our indoor clothing bank is in the main reception area.
Thank you for helping us to support recycling AND raise money for school.
Our Hedgehog Friendly School Application
2024 -2025
We can help hedgehogs using the information below.
January 2025 - The first meeting of our Hedgehog Friendly Schools Working Group.
Our sustainability leaders carried out research using the British Hedgehog Preservation Society resources and then made videos and created posters and information to share what they had learned.
As part of their research, they also studied the proper steps for rescuing a hedgehog:
* If you find a hedgehog during the day, carefully pick it up using a clean towel and place it in a high-sided box in a quiet room.
* Offer meaty cat food and a shallow water dish in the box, and if the hedgehog is cold, provide a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel.
* Be sure to contact a local independent hedgehog rescue to collect the hedgehog once it’s in a safe place.
* It's also important not to give hedgehogs bread, milk, or cheese.
In our assembly we learned that hedgehogs really need our help.
One of the things that we can do is make sure that there are no hedgehogs hiding in piles of wood that people will be lighting for bonfires.
We learned about the importance of Stop, Move and Check.
We had some amazing entries for our Stop Move Check holiday competition.
Well done to everyone who entered!
November 2024 We held a Big Hog Friendly Litter Pick around Barugh Green
Keeping our local area litter-free not only makes it safer for hedgehogs and other wildlife - it also makes it a more pleasant environment for the people who live here.
Thank you to all of the families who were able to support us - either on the day or by borrowing the litter pickers to use themselves.
Thanks also to the Barnsley North team for the loan of the litter pickers and support on the day!
The Great Cable Challenge
October 2024
We had a whole school assembly about The Great Cable Challenge. We found out that If 1 million of us all recycled one cable, we could save at least 5,000 kg of copper from going to waste.
We had a family workshop and children designed and made posters which we displayed around school.
Thank you to everyone who brought cables to be recycled!
Great work Team BG!
We also won a set of brilliant pencils made from UK recycled plastic - one for every child in school!
Bees @BeeG
Summer 2024
What a great way to celebrate national bee Day. We had a whole school assembly with a visit from a local beekeeper from the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) who showed us the special clothes that she wears when she is caring for her bees.
Our bee club is so popular that we are running it twice a week!
We learn about why bees are so important to sustainability, learn about different types of bees and we tasted honey.
We even have a bee song to help us to remember their important body parts: head; thorax; abdomen; legs; wings and antennae!
We are so excited to have been accepted as 'Friends of the Honeybee!
World Ocean Day
June 2024
We had a whole school assembly and learned more about what we can do to reduce plastic pollution in the oceans.
Bringing a re-useable water bottle to school is a great start!
Tree Planting @BG
Spring 2024
We were lucky enough to have 50 saplings donated to us. They are a mix of: Oak; Rowan; Wild Cherry; Silver birch; Downy birch; Dogwood; Hornbeam; Dog rose and Field maple.
We leaned more about the tree that our class would be planting.
Every child in school was part of a team that planted a tree!
We had some help from the branching out Barnsley Tree planting project and the Barnsley Environment Team - thank you!
Earth day - Sustainability - what are BG doing? the story so far
April 2024
We had a whole school assembly to re-cap what we have done so far and to learn about why we need to do more.
We had a family workshop too so that we could share what we had learned. We talked about what we could do to help at home.
That time when a Gorilla came to BG - Our TeachRex assembly
February 2024
We had a special visitor today to teach us why we need to look after our planet. We learned about some of the causes of, and effects of, deforestation.
We also met some other animals.
Recycling clothes, toys and books for Age UK
December 2023
We had a whole school assembly from a member of the fundraising and communication team at Age UK ... and a giant bear!
We learned about how Age UK recycle clothing, toys and books and help to raise money for their charity. Everyone who donates in our pop-up clothing bank has the chance to enter the guess the name of the bear competition too.
Team BG you are amazing! A huge thank you to everyone who cleared out their cupboards, drawers and wardrobes. We filled our pop-up clothing bank three times! That means that Age UK have the opportunity to raise more money to support some of the older people in the Barnsley area AND that we have helped to recycle things that we no longer need!
Uniform Recycle swap shop
June 2023
What a great way to be more sustainable! Thank you to everyone who donated or collected some of our pre-loved uniform.
Marine conservation
June 2023
We were lucky enough to have an assembly today from one of our parents who is a marine biologist!
She spoke to KS1 and KS2, and explained about her job as a scientist of the sea who helps to protect marine wildlife in Yorkshire.
She gave us some great ideas about how we can help!