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Barugh Green Primary School



Higham Common Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 1LD



Religious Education

Subject Lead Daniel Brock

Welcome to Religious Education @BG.  On this page, you will find everything you need to know about what we teach, how we teach and why we teach the knowledge content of our curriculum.


R.E. follows the guidelines laid down in the LA Agreed Syllabus and is concerned mainly with the moral and spiritual aspects of life as it affects young children. The children are encouraged to appreciate and respect the world around them, understand the needs and beliefs of others and develop an awareness of and concern for others, through examples, stories and discussion.

Although Christianity forms the backbone of our R.E. syllabus an awareness of other religions and cultures is important, to develop in our children a tolerant approach to all religions and ways of life. Each year group will therefore study the main features of another world religion in addition to aspects of Christianity. The religions covered at Barugh Green are: Judaism; Islam and Hinduism

The children also take part in regular acts of collective worship- mainly of a Christian nature. Parents have a right to withdraw their children from Religious Education and collective worship if they wish.

The R.E. units covered in school are:

FS2- My World, Special Times, Special Places

Year 1- Christianity and Judaism

Year 2- Christianity and Judaism

Year 3- Christianity and Hinduism

Year 4- Christianity and Islam

Year 5- Christianity and Hinduism

Year 6- Christianity and Islam


Parent Information Video 

 RE Sequence Document 23 24.docxDownload
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