CURRENT STATUS: School is open
Snow Status
CURRENT STATUS: School is open as normal
Last updated 6:48 09/02/2024
In the event of bad weather, we will update this page by 8:00AM if we take the decision to close, or partially close the school. If the school is closed, or partially closed, we will add information resources to this page for all affected classes. Work will be provided after the first full day of closure.
There are a range of reasons why the school may need to close because of bad weather. This includes the safety of the site, the effectiveness of heating systems and also the availability of staff. There may be occasions where staff are unable to get to school safely. Wherever possible we will always aim to keep the school open, by covering for staff who cannot get to school, however, in some circumstances this may not be possible and this could mean a temporary closure.
Please note that parents and carers should assume the school is open, unless it is stated on this page, and via our usual communications system that we are closed. We also inform the Local Authority of closure and the LA will inform local radio stations of this for all maintained schools in the Borough.
Snow Day Home Learning