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Barugh Green Primary School



Higham Common Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 1LD



Parent Guide - Online Safety


We work on online safety in school every year, through our Computing Curriculum.  All staff in school complete an Annual Certificate in Online Safety and this ensures that all staff have the knowledge and understanding necessary to ensure we can keep everyone safe.  We have systems in school to filter content and the use of the internet is planned and supervised for the purpose of curriculum learning.

As an organisation, though, we know that our children will access the online space while out of school and, increasingly, have access to mobile devices making it more challenging than ever to keep children safe online at home.  Our curriculum and the learning children do in school is intended to equip them with the knowledge they need to keep themselves safe, but we know that by working together with parents and families, this will add a further layer of protection for our children.

Online content is changing all the time.  We know how challenging this can be and keeping pace with developments is hard.  On this page, we have published links to various online content that parents and families can use to support them in keeping children safe online when they are outside school.

We have also added links to other pages on our website, such as our eSafety Policy pages and our Computing Curriculum page so that you can fully understand what is going on in school.

If you need more support or have questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Links to BG Content

Click here to be taken to our Computing Curriculum page: COMPUTING

Click here to be taken to our eSafety Policy page: ESAFETY

Links to External Content

Please note that BG is not responsible for the content or information published by external providers.

Click here to be taken to NSPCC information about online safety: NSPCC


National Online Safety Parent Resources

Below, you can download a series of useful guides to common online services, such as Netflix, Snapchat, RoBlox etc.  If you are interested in learning more about a topic that is not listed, please get in touch as we have access to other information which may be helpful.

 Call of Duty.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Ten Tips.pdfDownload
 Parental Controls Android.pdfDownload
 Parental Controls iPhone iOS.pdfDownload
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